Swedish hi-tech 'snake' blazes trail to safer firefighting
Firefighting, arguably one of the world's most dangerous jobs, is about to get a lot safer thanks to a revolutionary technique developed in Sweden.
View ArticleElectronic nose sniffs out toxins
Imagine a polka-dotted postage stamp-sized sensor that can sniff out some known poisonous gases and toxins and show the results simply by changing colors.
View ArticleThe 'e-Nose': Scientists try to develop an electronic sniffer
Sniff, sniff, sniff -- Yum! Sniff, sniff, sniff -- Oh, yuck!!! For almost 25 years, chemists and other scientists have tried to build a machine that can do exactly that.
View ArticleDozens of boars found dead on French beach
Dozens of wild boars have turned up dead this month around a beach in western France, officials say, as they suspect poisonous blue-green algae for the deaths.
View ArticleResearchers find treating pavement with titanium oxide reduces air pollution
(Phys.org) —Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands have found that treating pavement with titanium oxide causes a reduction in nitrogen oxide air pollution. In their paper...
View ArticleForensic research extends detection of cyanide poisoning
Researchers have found a new biomarker for cyanide poisoning, which may extend its detection window in death investigations by weeks if not months.
View ArticlePrototype generators emit much less carbon monoxide
Portable electric generators retrofitted with off-the-shelf hardware by the University of Alabama (UA) emitted significantly lower levels of carbon monoxide (CO) exhaust, according to the results* of...
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